Jarvis- Badabap The Parrot

Official Web: www.thejarvis.it
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thejarvismusic
Directed by: Livio Di Miceli (Seventh Art)
Animator and Graphic Designer: Lucia Bulgheroni

Produced by Larsen Premoli
at RecLab Studios (Milan – IT)
September 2015
ISRC: ITY971500003

Very Special Thanks:
MUA: Alessia Donnini
Photo Studio: Davide D’Errico
Studio Assistant: Alex D’Errico

I wanna tell you a story about an acrobat.
It’s a funny situation I’m going to explain.
In a nutshell he had sat on a chair’s hind two legs
Badaboom! Because of a Lego brick he’s dead.
So what? So strange? It was only a game.
Does it seem strange?
He hit it with his big head.
I think it’s sad ‘cause it’s so happens that he had a very beautiful lady.
She may seem so kind, but I don’t mind, I hid behind the blind.
Oh, you’ll probably cry, but here’s the actual story of her life without him.
The worst is yet to come.
She was the one who killed her boyfriend.
I know it! I was on the crime scene.
She found out about his job. Oh no!
She hated it, so, as a joke, she put down wax on the floor.
She never ever thought it’d be so serious.
She didn’t do it on purpose.
She loved him.
So what? So strange? I’m a parrator
What? What’s my name? Badabap!

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